Lufterfrischer " I Love My Cat "
Einfach nur Zuckersüss für alle die Katzen lieben und da gleich drei Kätzchen in einer Packung sind, kann man weitere damit erfreuen.. sich eingeschlossen

Größe: 11,8 cm x 6,5 cm Material: Papier, ätherische Öle
These Air Fresheners prove that it's the little things that mean the most! The shape and sentiment sparks a little joy and makes your heart happy every time you hop in your car! The best part is… after the scent fades, they stay pretty forever!
- SKU: AFR146
- Approximately 3.5in Diameter
- pressed paper with essential oils, exclusive of trim
- Scent: Pear. Set of 3, features wooden bead on an elastic hanger for easy placement. Double-sided, full-color quality printing.